Study Abroad

Through Score Academy’s partnership with Spain Abroad, you can spend a semester or a full year of high school in Spain!

Join Our High School Cohort in Spain with Score Academy and Spain Abroad

Score Academy is excited to partner with Spain Abroad to offer an enriching Semester Abroad Program in Estepona and/or Leon. This unique experience allows students to immerse themselves in Spanish culture while earning credits through the Spain Abroad program and Score Academy Online. Participants will engage in diverse activities such as cooking, art, and volunteering, while also exploring historical cities like Granada and Seville. The program focuses on developing independence, budgeting skills, and future planning, providing a holistic growth experience in a beautiful Mediterranean setting.

Unique Benefits for Score Academy Students

Score Academy students have the exclusive opportunity to join our special High School Cohort in Leon, Spain. Here’s how you can benefit:

  • Customized Learning: Continue your personalized, one-on-one accredited courses seamlessly while living abroad.

  • Cultural Enrichment: Immerse yourself in Spanish culture, language, and traditions.

  • Personal Growth: Participate in life coaching and mentoring to boost independence and executive functioning skills.

  • Global Perspective: Enhance your education with a global outlook and real-world experiences.

  • Supportive Environment: Thrive in a community of peers and mentors dedicated to your success.

Additional Features of the Spain Abroad Academy Program

  • Designated Class Time: Students will have scheduled class time and study hall hours specifically for focusing on their Score Academy courses, ensuring they stay on track academically while enjoying the abroad experience.

  • Personal Coaching: Our life coaching program is designed to help students develop essential skills, such as time management, goal setting, and self-awareness. Our mentors work closely with students to ensure they maximize their potential both academically and personally.

  • Academic Support: We collaborate with the University of Leon to provide students access to additional academic resources and designated group study time, fostering discipline and success.

  • Structured Program: Our program includes a balanced mix of academic study, cultural excursions, language classes, and personal development workshops. Students can expect weekly excursions to historical sites, local markets, and cultural events, offering hands-on learning experiences.

  • Immersive Experiences: Fully engage with the local community through homestays with local families and participation in local festivals and traditions. These experiences are designed to enhance language acquisition and cultural understanding.

Benefits of Studying Abroad

  • Future Planning: Gain clarity on academic and career goals through exposure to new perspectives and experiences.

  • College Prep: Students with study abroad experience tend to have more success in college applications and adjustments due to their unique experiences and adaptability.

  • Improved Independence: Develop self-reliance and adaptability by navigating a new environment and culture.

  • Language Skills: Achieve fluency in Spanish through immersion and practical daily use.

  • Career Advancement: Stand out in future job markets with international experience and a demonstrated ability to thrive in diverse settings.

  • Personal Development: Grow more self-aware, culturally competent, and resilient, preparing you for the challenges of college and beyond.

For more details on joining the High School Cohort, visit Spain Abroad Academy.

Embark on a journey that combines academic rigor with the adventure of living abroad. Enroll today and take the first step towards an unforgettable educational experience!