Score Academy Curriculum
Because one curriculum does not fit all students, we will recommend the best one to fulfill your educational plan.
Score Academy matches the curriculum to each student’s learning style and personal goals. Because one curriculum does not fit all students, we will recommend the best one to fulfill your educational plan. We offer courses in all subject areas across all grade levels, from kindergarten through grade 12, and at all educational levels, from remedial and regular to honors and Advanced Placement. Our AP curriculum and teaching staff have been certified by the College Board, and our core academic courses are accepted by the NCAA, allowing athletes to incorporate these courses and grades into their eligibility requirements.
High School Academics
Score Academy high-school students follow a traditional college-prep progression plan:
9th Grade
English 9
Algebra 1
Integrated Science
World History 1
Foreign Language 1
Elective: Arts, PE/Health, or Computers
10th Grade
English 10
World History 2
Foreign Language 2
Elective: Arts, PE/Health, or Computers
11th Grade
English 11
Algebra 2
US History
Core Elective
Elective: Arts, PE/Health, or Computers
12th Grade
English 12
Math Elective
Science Elective
Government ½
Economics ½
Core Elective
Honors and AP courses are available in all academic disciplines.
Students can add special electives in areas of interest.
Students with a diagnosed learning disability in math may take a 2-year sequence in Algebra I, a Geometry course without proofs, and a less intensive Algebra 2 course
Students with a disability that contraindicates a foreign language may substitute any appropriate social science or other approved core course
Other course substitutions may be possible.
An Alternative Plan for Accelerated Students
9th Grade
H English 9
H Geometry
H Biology
AP Human Geography
H Foreign Language 1
Elective: Arts, PE/Health, or Computers
10th Grade
H English 10
H Algebra 2
AP Biology
AP World History
H Foreign Language 2
Elective: Arts, PE/Health, or Computers
11th Grade
AP English Language
H Pre-Calculus
AP Chemistry
AP US History
H or AP Core Elective
Elective: Arts, PE/Health, or Computers
12th Grade
AP English Literature
AP Calculus (AB or BC)
AP Physics
AP Government ½
AP Economics ½
H or AP Core Elective
Middle School Academics
Language Arts: Reading comprehension, literary analysis (fiction, non-fiction), writing, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, communication
Mathematics: Pre Algebra, Algebra 1; Geometry & Algebra 2 for advanced students
Social Studies: Grades 6: World History; Grade 7: Civics; Grade 8: US History
Science: Scientific knowledge, earth science, life science, force & motion, properties of matter
World Languages: Elective
P.E./Health: Responsible behaviors & values, physical fitness, movement competency
Computer: Keyboarding, MS Word, file organization, computer care
Art: Elective
French & Spanish (Other languages as needed): Introduction to language and culture with emphasis on listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills; topics covered include school life, getting to know oneself, friendship, relationships, weather, animals, calendar, and time. (Advanced levels of language study are available)
Elementary School Academics
Language Arts: Reading comprehension, phonics, writing, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, literary analysis (fiction, non-fiction), communication
Mathematics: Grades 1-2: Addition, subtraction, geometry, measurement; Grades 3-5: Multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, geometry, measurement, fractions, decimals, data analysis, probability, money, word problems
Social Studies: American history, geography, civics & government, economics
Science: Earth science, properties of matter, force & motion, life science
P.E./Health: Responsible behaviors & values, physical fitness, movement competency
Computer: Keyboarding, MS Word, file organization, computer care
Art/Music: Primary & secondary colors, water colors, pastels, sketching
French & Spanish (Other languages as needed): Introduction to language and culture with emphasis on listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills; topics covered include school life, getting to know oneself, friendship, relationships, weather, animals, calendar, and time. (Advanced levels of language study are also available)
In addition to Score Academy’s own curriculum, we have successfully used other accredited curricula, including:
Student’s previous, current, or next school’s curriculum
Brewster Academy
Broward Virtual School
Cushing Academy
Florida public school
Jupiter Christian School
North Broward Preparatory School
Palm Beach Virtual School
Portsmouth Abbey School
Saint Andrew’s School