Who is Score Academy?
Our credentials and a general overview of Score Academy
Score At The Top comprises five family-owned centers/schools in south Florida in Palm Beach and Broward Counties. There is a high density of well educated, upper middle-class families with school-age children in both counties, and all locations are within easy commuting distance for the owners.
With an individualized approach to education, Score Academy matches curriculum to each student’s specific learning style and personal goals. For tutoring clients, we use the sending school’s curriculum as a basis for academic support. For enrolled students, we recommend a curriculum that fulfills each student’s educational plan. Our test-prep students prepare for standardized tests using real tests and appropriate strategies developed by our founder, Judi Robinovitz, who worked for Educational Testing Service for 23 years.
We offer courses in all subject areas across all grade levels, from kindergarten through 12th grade and college, and at all educational levels, from remedial and regular to honors and Advanced Placement. Our AP courses and teachers have been individually certified by the College Board. In addition to Score Academy's own curriculum, we have successfully used other curricula from regionally accredited providers, including:
Student’s previous, current, or next school’s curriculum
Florida public school
To earn a college-prep diploma from Score Academy, a student must successfully complete the following course requirements:
English: 4 years
Mathematics: 4 years (Algebra 1 & 2; Geometry; plus one, more advanced year-long course)
Science: 3 years (including biology with laboratory)
Social Science: 3 years (World History, US History, Government/Economics)
Foreign Language: 2 years (same language)
PE/Health: 1 year
Computers/Life Skills: 1 year
Arts: 1 year
Electives: 5 years
Score Academy also offers a standard diploma (24 credits) as well as a career-prep diploma (18 credits).
Our faculty are degreed specialists with extensive subject knowledge and significant teaching or tutoring experience. They possess a passion for teaching, expert study skills, and effective communication skills. Teaching based upon a student’s unique learning style requires such expertise – the critical quality that informs our hiring. Teachers engage a student in the learning process.
Score Academy focuses on one student at a time, creating an individual education plan and schedule for each student based on academic needs, learning style, and personality. Thus, we are in a position to accept any student who has the potential to succeed in our environment. We have been approved by the state of Florida to accept the McKay Scholarship in Palm Beach County. The NCAA Eligibility Center accepts our core courses in fulfillment of academic eligibility requirements for athletes in Palm Beach County. Our open enrollment policy enables us to accept students throughout the school year, not just at the start of each semester. Ideal candidates for Score Academy are students whose parents desire the benefits of the highest level of education with a very low teacher/student ratio, students who are between schools, students with unusual schedules, and students with specific learning needs. Score Academy keeps parents up-to-date with daily emailed progress reports; we issue report cards on a quarterly basis and official transcripts at the end of each school year.
In 2016-2017, Score Academy provided educational support to 2,024 students; 239 of them were enrolled on a full-time or part-time basis in our private school:
Boca Raton:
Full-time: 69
Part-time: 40
Total: 109
Coral Springs & Weston:
Full-time: 7
Part-time: 11
Total: 18
PB Gardens:
Full-time: 58
Part-time: 29
Total: 87
Full-time: 12
Part-time: 13
Total: 25
Total Full-Time: 146
Total Part-Time: 93
Total: 239
On a District-wide basis, Score Academy has graduated more than 100 students since 2009, with our largest graduating class of 23 students in 2017. To date, 95% our graduates have continued their education in 4-year colleges; they have been accepted by the following colleges.
Our Vision & Mission
To be the learning environments of choice
To provide expert support and guidance to students, inspiring their intellectual curiosity, and motivating them to academic success